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Filtration Methods

Understanding the differences between filtered water, reverse osmosis (RO) water, and deionized (DI) water is essential for selecting the right type of water purification method for your needs. Each process offers varying levels of purity and is suited for different applications.

Understanding Filtration Methods

Filtration methods in a water cooler involve the use of specialized filters that physically and chemically remove impurities from the water. These impurities can include sediments, bacteria, chemicals, and other contaminants that may be present in tap water.

The most common type of filtration method used in water coolers is activated carbon or charcoal filter. This type of filter has a large surface area with small pores that trap and remove impurities through adsorption. This process involves the binding of impurities to the carbon surface, effectively removing them from the water.


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Filtered Water

Process: Filtered water typically passes through a physical barrier (like activated carbon, ceramic, or other materials) that removes contaminants, such as chlorine, sediment, and some bacteria. Some filters may also include ion exchange or adsorption media to remove specific contaminants.
Purity: Filtered water is generally cleaner and tastes better than tap water but still contains dissolved salts, minerals, and potentially smaller impurities.
Common Use: Suitable for drinking, cooking, and general household use.

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Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water

Process: Reverse osmosis involves pushing water through a semi-permeable membrane that removes a wide range of contaminants, including dissolved salts, bacteria, viruses, and most organic materials. This process is more thorough than simple filtration.
Purity: RO water is much purer than filtered water, as it removes most dissolved solids and contaminants, though some beneficial minerals might also be removed in the process.
Common Use: Often used for drinking water, cooking, and in applications requiring lower levels of contaminants, such as aquariums and some industrial processes.

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Deionized (DI) Water

Process: Deionized water is produced by passing water through ion-exchange resins that remove charged ions (like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and chloride). This process specifically targets the removal of ions rather than other contaminants.
Purity: DI water is highly purified and free from almost all ionic impurities but might still contain non-ionic organic compounds and bacteria. It's not necessarily free from all microorganisms or organic molecules unless further purified.
Common Use: Commonly used in laboratories, pharmaceuticals, electronics manufacturing, and other applications where ion-free water is essential.

  • Filtered Water: Basic purification, retains most minerals, good for general use.
  •  Reverse Osmosis Water: More thorough purification, removes most contaminants, suitable for  drinking and specialized uses. 
  • Deionized Water: Extremely pure, ion-free water, used in scientific and industrial applications.
Multiple Filtration Diagram
Multifilteration (Fig 1)
RO Filtration Diagrams
Reverse Osmosis (RO) (Fig 2)
Deionized Water Systems (Fig 3)

The difference between filtered water, (Fig.1), reverse osmosis (RO) water, (Fig 2), and deionized  (DI) water, (Fig 3),lies in the processes used to purify the water and the level of purity achieved.  

Do filters really matter? What is their actual purpose?

1. Sediment Filter

A Sediment filter is designed to remove solid particles or debris from water. These filters typically target contaminants like:

  • Sand: Small grains of sand often found in well water.
  • Dirt: Fine particles of soil or mud.
  • Rust: Tiny flakes or particles from corroded pipes.
  • Silt: Fine soil or other earthy matter suspended in water.
  • Scale: Mineral deposits that can build up in pipes and appliances.

Sediment filters help protect plumbing systems, appliances, and other water filters (like carbon or reverse osmosis filters) from clogging or damage. They are usually the first stage in a multi-stage filtration system.

2. Granular Activated Carbon Filter

A Granular activated carbon (GAC) filter is highly effective in removing various contaminants from water. Here’s what it typically removes: 

  • Chlorine and Chloramines: GAC filters are particularly effective at removing chlorine, which is commonly used in municipal water treatment, as well as chloramines.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These include chemicals like benzene, trichloroethylene, and other solvents that can be found in water.
  • Taste and Odor: GAC filters can significantly improve the taste and odor of water by removing organic compounds that cause bad taste and smells.
  • Pesticides and Herbicides: GAC can remove a range of these agricultural chemicals, including atrazine and simazine.
  • Sediments: Although not primarily designed for sediment removal, GAC filters can trap some larger particles and sediments.
  • Some Heavy Metals: GAC can reduce the presence of certain heavy metals, such as lead, although it may not be as effective as other types of filters for this purpose.
  • Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs): These are byproducts of chemical disinfection processes, like trihalomethanes (THMs), which GAC can effectively reduce.

3. Activated Carbon Block

 An Activated Carbon Block (ACB) filter is highly effective in removing a wide range of contaminants from water. The filtration process involves adsorption, where contaminants adhere to the surface of the activated carbon. Here’s a list of what an Activated Carbon Block filter typically removes:


  • Chlorine and Chloramines: These are common disinfectants used in municipal water supplies. ACB filters effectively reduce or eliminate them, improving taste and odor.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These include various chemicals that can vaporize into the air and contaminate water, such as benzene, toluene, and xylene. ACB filters are particularly good at removing these.
  • Herbicides and Pesticides: ACB filters can reduce or remove many herbicides and pesticides that may be present in water.
  • Trihalomethanes (THMs): These are by-products of chlorine disinfection and are considered harmful. ACB filters can effectively reduce THM levels.
  • Heavy Metals: Some ACB filters can remove or reduce heavy metals like lead, mercury, and copper, although the effectiveness can vary depending on the filter design.
  • Sediment and Particulates: ACB filters can trap fine particles, sediment, and silt, which can improve the clarity of the water.
  • Microbial Contaminants: While ACB filters are not designed to remove bacteria, viruses, or cysts, they can reduce some microbial contaminants to a certain extent, particularly when combined with other filtration methods.
  • Taste and Odor Compounds: ACB filters are excellent at removing compounds that cause unpleasant tastes and odors, such as hydrogen sulfide (which can create a rotten egg smell).
  • Certain Pharmaceuticals and Hormones: Some ACB filters can reduce traces of pharmaceuticals and hormones that may be present in water, though this depends on the specific filter’s capabilities.

While ACB filters are effective for these contaminants, they are typically used in conjunction with other filtration methods to provide a more comprehensive water purification system.

4. Reverse Osmosis Membrane

A reverse osmosis (RO) membrane filter is highly effective at removing a wide range of contaminants from water. It typically removes:


  • Dissolved Salts (TDS): Including sodium, chloride, and other minerals.
  • Heavy Metals: Such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium.
  • Organic Compounds: Pesticides, herbicides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Microorganisms: Bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
  • Chlorine and Chloramines: Although carbon filters are usually needed to remove chlorine before the RO process to protect the membrane.
  • Fluoride: RO systems are particularly effective at removing fluoride.
  • Nitrates and Nitrites: Common in agricultural runoff.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Trace amounts of drugs and hormones.
  • Sediment and Particulates: Any physical debris or particles suspended in the water.

The RO membrane works by forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane that only allows pure water molecules to pass through, leaving contaminants behind.

5. Post Activated Carbon

A post-activated carbon filter is typically used in water purification systems as a final stage of filtration. It is designed to remove:


  • Chlorine and Chloramines: Residual chlorine and chloramines used in water disinfection are effectively removed, improving taste and odor.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are chemicals that can evaporate into the air, such as pesticides, herbicides, and industrial solvents.
  • Tastes and Odors: Unpleasant tastes and odors caused by various contaminants are absorbed by the carbon.
  • Residual Chemicals: Any remaining chemicals, including some pharmaceuticals and pesticides, that were not captured in earlier filtration stages.
  • Micropollutants: Trace levels of certain organic contaminants, including some that may affect health, like bisphenol A (BPA) and other endocrine disruptors.

However, it does not remove minerals, salts, or dissolved inorganic substances such as heavy metals (unless specifically treated or designed to do so), and it is generally ineffective against bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.

Blue Mountain Pure: Sustainable Water Solutions with POU Water Coolers

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Environmental Sustainability

By opting for a bottleless water cooler, you reduce the reliance on single-use plastic bottles, contributing to a healthier planet.

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Cost Efficient

Water coolers eliminate the need for purchasing bottled water, which can significantly lower your overall costs, especially in larger offices.

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Water coolers provide an unlimited supply of filtered water, ensuring that fresh, clean water is always available.

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Easy Maintenance

Blue Mountain Pure provide prompt customer support and maintenance services, ensuring your cooler is always in top working condition.

Seven-Day Free Trials Available

If you’re interested in experiencing the benefits of a bottleless water cooler for yourself, we invite you to take advantage of our 7-day free trial offer. During this trial period, you can see firsthand the difference that our hydration systems can make in your home or office. Try out our water coolers risk-free and discover the convenience and quality that Blue Mountain Pure has to offer. Some restrictions apply! 

Ready to learn more about our bottleless water coolers and how they can benefit you? Our team of experts is here to assist you and help you find the perfect solution for your hydration needs. Contact us today to get started on your journey to cleaner, healthier hydration. Call 877-474-7332 or fill out the contact form! 

Key benefits of using Blue Mountain Pure water filtration systems:

  • Advanced Filtration Technology: Blue Mountain Pure systems use cutting-edge filtration methods, including reverse osmosis, activated carbon, and deionization, to ensure your water is free from harmful contaminants, chemicals, and impurities.

  • Healthier Drinking Water: By removing chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria, and other pollutants, Blue Mountain Pure provides clean, safe, and better-tasting water, contributing to improved overall health and well-being.

  • Customizable Filtration: Whether you need water for drinking, cooking, or specialized industrial applications, Blue Mountain Pure offers filtration options tailored to meet specific needs, ensuring the right level of purity for every situation.

  • Eco-Friendly Solution: Reduce your reliance on single-use plastic bottles by investing in a Blue Mountain Pure system. Enjoy fresh, purified water at home or in the office while helping to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment.

  • Cost-Effective: Over time, using Blue Mountain Pure filtration systems can save you money by eliminating the need for bottled water and reducing maintenance costs associated with scaling and corrosion in plumbing and appliances.

  • Convenient and Reliable: With easy installation and low maintenance, Blue Mountain Pure systems offer a hassle-free way to enjoy purified water consistently. The systems are built to last, ensuring you have access to clean water for years to come.

  • Enhanced Taste and Odor: The advanced filtration process removes unwanted tastes and odors caused by chlorine, sulfur, and other contaminants, leaving you with refreshing, great-tasting water.

  • Versatile Applications: Blue Mountain Pure systems are not only ideal for residential use but also suitable for commercial, industrial, and medical applications, making them a versatile solution for various water purification needs.

By choosing Blue Mountain Pure, you are investing in a comprehensive water filtration solution that enhances your health, protects your appliances, and supports sustainability efforts.


Quality Matters When Choosing Hydration Options

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Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, Blue Mountain Pure researches every one of our hydration systems to ensure they deliver the safest, purest water

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World Class Filtration

For the ultimate hydration experience, Blue Mountain Pure water and ice systems use high quality filters to reduce sediment, chlorine, and odors.


Lab-Certified 99.99% Bacteria Reduced

Every Blue Mountain Pure hydration system undergoes an antimicrobial, antipathogenic, sanitising procedure. This assures hygienically safe hydration for our clients and their employees.

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Ultraviolet Sterilisation System

For added hygiene, our hydration systems undergo an ultraviolet sterilization process.

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Contact Us

Experience the difference with Blue Mountain Pure. Contact us today to learn more about our water dispenser solutions and how we can meet your hydration needs.


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Customer Reviews

“Quality company with excellent customer service. I highly recommend this company and will continue to utilize their services.”

– Jeremy, residential user in Nashville; 2021


“We’ve been using the WL 350 for about [a] year and love it! I’m planning to get one installed for my parents.”

–  Jason, residential user in Nashville; 2021


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